Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Backtracking .... June 21 & 22
After my week in Miami with Katie, it was time to go see Anna & Marshall in Charlotte. We had a fun and relaxing weekend together! We exchanged late birthday gifts (see video below), did a little shopping at Target (surprise surprise!!), and enjoyed the pool and hot tub.
Anna's "apartment mates" (Jason and Natosha) joined us for the supper she cooked. Natosha said taking a picture of her eating was the worst thing she could think of ... except, of course, if she were naked with a giant spider behind her. After a statement like that, you just KNOW I have to post her picture :-)
Puss in Boots - my birthday present from Anna:

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Weldon's nephew Wesley Carroll married his high school sweetheart Ashley Edney on July 19.

Larry Bumgarner is the same preacher who performed Weldon's and my wedding.
The ceremony was held outdoors at Magnolia Manor in Colfax, NC.

Wesley's mom (Weldon's younger sister Beth) wiping the tears from her cheek
during the ceremony. I love this picture!

The flower girl, daughter of one of Wesley's military buddies, was very excited about her shoes.

The moms

The bride and her attendants

The groom and his attendants (that's Wesley's dad Steve on the left)

Weldon was one of the groomsmen. His first (and last?) time in a tux!

Wesley's sister Maria, who later caught the bouquet :-)

Pat was the Register Attendant

The happy family

At the reception, first dance

cutting the cake
I couldn't get Weldon onto the dance floor, so I cut in on Beth and Steve. Beth went right over to Weldon, obviously pulled his nose or blackmailed him with some dark tale from the past,
and VOILA, he was dancing :-)
He was later transformed into one of the Village People

as the groomsmen got wild with The YMCA.
It was a wonderful wedding and we wish Wesley & Ashley a Very Happy Ever After!!
* * *
We want to recognize the Lawson family with
our sincerest and heartfelt THANKS
for milking Friday & Saturday evening,
allowing us to fully participate in all the festivities of the wedding.

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Pastor: Does anyone have any joys or concerns to share?
Weldon: I have joys and a concern -
In February, my youngest daughter called to say that she is pregnant, due in August.

(happy "aah"s from the congregation)
Weldon: On Mother's Day, I learned that my oldest daughter is expecting, due in October!
(lots of smiles and more aahs and ohs)
Weldon: And on May 18, my middle daughter told me that she is expecting
and the baby is due in December!

Pastor (as the laughter dies down): Cindy, you'd better look out!!
Weldon: That's my concern!!!
Melinda (the youngest)
and her husband Joe are having a little boy (that's Weldon, not Joe, in the pic);
Kathryn (the oldest)

and her husband David and 8-year-old daughter Ashley are having a girl;
and we don't yet know if Jennifer

and Scott's little darling will be a son or a daughter.
What we DO know is that we are thrilled for all of them and praying for safe deliveries and healthy babies.

Stay tuned for updates as these sweethearts make their entrances into this big, wonderful world - and maybe I'll even get some up-to-date photos of Weldon's "girls" and their hubbies :-)