Friday, May 06, 2016

Spring 2016

 In case you haven't noticed, it's been a while since I last posted here. I've been busy! I've been having fun! BUT, I know some of you have missed me, so here's a brief synopsis of the last two months. You'll most likely be terribly jealous, but try not to hate me.

March 5-9: North Myrtle Beach with the Ladies' Bible study group. Yes, we studied every day but we also ate well and played well.
When I got home, spring was bustin' out all over.
The yard was covered with violets.
Peach trees were blooming.

Even the tama-no-ura camellia had two flowers.

March 19-24: Road trip to Savannah, GA with my daughters! Waterfront, squares, parks, gardens, churches, cemeteries, FOOD.
Love the hanging moss.
Wormsloe State Historic Site
To the ocean again! Tybee Island.
Pearl Fryar's Topiary Garden on our way home.
Amazing! See the movie: A Man Named Pearl.

April: Mama cats are having babies! And, yes, Rita has babies in the attic again.
Mrs. Mewer has FIVE babies.
Saturday, April 9: Weldon and I took a historic steam engine train ride from Spencer, NC to Lynchburg, VA. Up at 4am, back home at midnight.
April 22-24: To Lake Junaluska with our church youth director and two young ladies for a confirmation retreat. My first time to this beautiful location in North Carolina.
In spite of lots of rain and cold weather, the flowers have been blooming well, with no help from me. And the skies have been amazing, almost every morning and evening.
Early morning iris.
Confused Christmas cactus.
Peonies are showing off and standing pretty well against all the rain.
The skies displaying the handiwork of God!
I told you I've been busy :) Next post, I'll fill you in on my new experiences as an author. Till then, keep loving life!


  1. Keeping that positive outlook and active mind and person Cindy. Love your pictures and spring.

    1. Thanks, Bonnie. It's been a beautiful spring, and I'll be even happier when the pollen is finally washed away.

  2. Anonymous8:34 PM

    I have read your book. We live close to you. Your cats come on our property. I don't understand why you guys don't spay/neuter. We have enough on our own. Ours go to the vet and all have been spayed/neutered and get proper vet care. Over 3000 cats are put down every year in our shelter due to lack of homes. Can you please tell me why I see beach photos etc.. and pics of kittens at the same time. Not one of my 8 have ever had kittens. We can't wait to move. I really don't understand and I never will. It is wrong to let cats reproduce when others are being euthanized on a daily basis. I have seen your cats and most act feral and haven't even had vaccines. Rabies is a NC state law.

  3. Anonymous8:40 PM

    There is help available for spay/neuter and other vet care if you cannot afford it. I have so many resources. I really think you guys have let the cat problem get out of hand. It is not funny or cute. When one of your cats comes to our property and won't leave we have to trap it and call animal control. I would bet it is then euthanized. We can't handle our own problems and yours at the same time. When I see kittens it breaks my heart because I know it took away a home from another. When I see your kittens and cats it breaks my heart because I know they are not properly taken care of and they will probably eventually end up on my property. You should be considerate of your neighbors and have all your cats fixed.
