You've maybe noticed I haven't blogged in quite a while. Actually, I blog almost every day, but now I do it for money :-) Because of that and being on Facebook, it seems hard to find time to write on Farm Muse. But here I am! Let's see what I can tell you about.Cats and kittens are always a hot topic around here. Spitz had 4 babies early this spring, and all are doing well. These pictures were taken on March 31:
Rambo has moved to Florida, but we hear he has made the adjustment quite nicely.
Carson had 3 babies back in January. I posted a video of one of them earlier this year, but they're all grown up now. Lightning, Samantha, & Obama:
Carson has new babies in the junk pile. Katie and I saw them (sort of) and there are at least four. After we found them, Carson moved them and we haven't found them again. She's so sneaky.
Marshall came up for a few days over Easter and Spring Break.
Steve Carroll hid the eggs
Maria & Beth Carroll and Marshall found the eggs
and Kathryn & Haylee stopped by later in the afternoon
A trip to the farm isn't complete without driving the bobcat
playing with the kittens
teaching Weldon something new (pop rocks)
and reading bedtime stories
Katie has been spending some time here on the farm while making arrangements to move to NY. Before flying to NY to hunt for an apartment, we visited Anna and Marshall in Charlotte
Weldon was sure glad to see me when I got home
On Mother's Day we had a surprise visit from Scott, Jennifer, and Aniston. Aniston loved Dottie, but we couldn't convince them they needed another cat.
Scott was here, really! I just didn't get a picture of him.
Katie had a successful trip to NY, finding an apartment in Brooklyn. She's busy packing and so am I. I'm driving up with her in a few days to help her get moved in. Then I'll fly back home. I've really become a gadabout in my old age, haven't I???
I know this blog is called Farm Muse but I don't write much about the farm. I think I'll have Weldon "ghost write" a spot to tell you how difficult and disappointing things have been. Of course, it has finally stopped raining so he will finally be able to harvest the wheat, if he can finally get some parts for the machinery. So he'll finally be too busy to write and tell you his sad story. The good news is, we keep on laughing and smiling and enjoying each other and life. YAY!!
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