Friday, November 14, 2008

... All Boy ...
Marshall loves to participate in sports: soccer, wrestling, tennis, golf, bowling; and this year was his first try at football. I got to see him "play" during their pre-season jamboree in September.

On Saturday, November 8, I was able to attend his team's Football Awards Banquet. I was surprised by how many people were there, but parents love to see their kids and grandkids do well and achieve their goals. We enjoyed a good lunch and cake, and then came the awards.
Each of the players got a trophy and a few, including Marshall, got perfect attendance/good sportsmanship certificates.
The team's only win for the year was in a pre-season game. This was a young team (most never having played before), so the coach has big hopes for next year.
Although he's "all boy," Marshall has a sweet and tender heart, which I hope he'll continue to develop. (As a grandmother, I'm entitled to such sentiments.) Anyway, girls go gaga over a sweet guy - just ask Weldon :-)


  1. Actually we won three games total (all preseason)...but whatever, it was a learning experience for all of the boys. Most were 8 and 9 years old, so they will all be back next year to play even better!

  2. Anonymous12:40 AM

    Marshall looks like a sweet boy and he will probably stay sweet! Our 17 yr old, 6'4" Jon still has a tender heart, like his mom!
    Arn't grandchildren GRAND.....
