Friday, October 31, 2008

Weldon's oldest daughter, Kathryn, and her husband David and daughter Ashley welcomed little Haylee into the world on Thursday night, October 23. She weighed 7 pounds 4 ounces and was just long enough. (Sorry, I didn't write down all the details.) Great grandma Edith and I went to see the newest addition to the family on Tuesday afternoon. Weldon couldn't go because he still had a cough from his dragging-on-forever cold :-(

We all agree: Haylee Marie is a keeper!!!

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Ayden made his entrance into the world on August 22, 2008, weighing in at 6 pounds 4 ounces. Congratulations to Mom Melinda and Dad Joseph and everyone who is glad to have a handsome little boy in the family. Since they live in New York, we haven't been able to hug and squeeze Weldon's first grandson yet, but we have seen lots of adorable pictures. Here are a few for you to enjoy.
Just a few hours old...
Are you sure about this???
It's all good.
Four weeks already?
Six weeks old and ready to take on the world!
Come see us soon, little guy! Bring your mom and dad, too!!